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Intraocular Lenses (IOLs)

In the beginning stages, when symptoms are mild, treatment may involve a change of prescription for glasses. But once you find cataracts interfering with your day to day life, your OCB eye doctor will likely recommend that you consider cataract surgery, which is the only treatment for cataracts. There are no medications or eye drops that will cure cataracts.

At OCB, educating patients about cataracts play an important role in our approach to treatment. Decisions surrounding when and at what stage cataract surgery is most appropriate vary from patient to patient depending on symptoms they experience, and their individual needs and concerns. We take the time to understand your unique situation and provide you with the information you need to make a decision you are comfortable with, that will give you with the best possible outcome.

Various IOLs

New technology and advances in treatment methods for cataracts have turned what was at one time a lengthy in-patient operation into an outpatient procedure with a significantly swifter recovery and significantly better outcomes for patients.

Cataract surgery has become a much easier, less invasive procedure than it was years ago. The procedure we use to remove cataracts is called phacoemulsification. In phacoemulsification, ultrasound energy gently fragments the large hard center (nucleus) of the cataract and allows it to be aspirated through a small instrument. Once the natural lens is removed, a new artificial intraocular lens (IOL) is placed to focus light on the back of the eye providing clear vision. The incision is very small (about 2-3 mm) and self-sealing so sutures are generally not required. The small incision greatly speeds up the healing process after surgery and improved visual outcomes.

In the last 40 years, tens of millions of IOLs have been implanted.  IOLs affords vision that is closest to natural.

Risks of Cataract Surgery

An element of risk exists in any surgical procedure and complications can occur during surgery or in the healing phase after surgery, despite the best care.

Complications associated with cataract surgery can include blockage of blood vessels, retinal detachment, corneal swelling, macular swelling, bleeding and infection. A very rare complication is the possibility that the intraocular lens will require removal or repositioning. After cataract surgery, well over 90% of patients see significantly better. If patients who are known to have retinal disease are excluded from this group, the success rate is even higher, approaching 98%. Your doctor will discuss with you risks specific to your care prior to surgery.

At OCB we strive for excellence in every aspect of your care. We have highly experienced Board Certified cataract surgeons with complication and infection rates that are well below the national average.

Intraocular Lenses (IOLs)

What is an IOL and How Does it Work?

An IOL replaces your natural lens that contains the cataract. An IOL focuses light that comes into your eyes through the cornea and pupil onto the retina, the sensitive tissue at the back of the eye that relays images through the optic nerve to the brain. Most IOLs are made of a flexible, foldable material and are about one-third of the size of a dime.

How Will my Doctor Know Which IOL is Best for me?

Your IOL will contain the appropriate prescription, or lens power, to give you the best vision possible, much like a prescription you would have for glasses. The appropriate IOL lens power is determined by measuring the curvature of your cornea and the length of your eye. The technology we use to obtain these measurements has improved tremendously in recent years. The information gathered is entered into an in-office computer programmed to calculate your correct implant power. These advances and computer formulations enable our highly experienced surgeons to be more precise in accuracy than ever before in determining IOL implant power.

What are the Different Types of IOLs Available?

The type of IOL implanted will affect how you see when you are not wearing eyeglasses. Glasses may still be needed by some people for some activities. In certain cases, cost may be a deciding factor for you if you have the option of selecting special premium IOLs that may reduce your dependency on glasses.

The following are the different types of IOLs that are available:

This common IOL type has been used for several decades. Monofocal IOL, a singular focus lens, are set to provide best corrected vision at near, intermediate or far distances. Most people who choose monofocals have their IOLs set for distance vision and use reading glasses for near activities. On the other hand, a person whose IOLs were set to correct near vision would need glasses to see distant objects clearly. Insurance covers monofocal  IOLs.

These newer IOL types may reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses.  Multifocal IOLs are designed with a series of focal zones or rings.  When incoming light focuses through the zones, you may be able to see both near and distant objects clearly. The design of the accommodative lens allows certain eye muscles to move the IOL forward and backward, changing the focus much as it would with a natural lens, to see both at near and distance vision. Each person’s success with these IOLs may depend on the size of his or her pupils and other eye health factors. The ability to read and perform other tasks without glasses varies from person to person. However, in recent years, with improvements in technology that enable us to more accurately predict lens power, we have been able to get more and more patients independent from glasses. These premium lenses are not covered by insurance. Talk to your OCB eye doctor about your unique situation and whether these lenses are an option for you.

This is a monofocal IOL, with astigmatism correction built into the lens. Astigmatism distorts or blurs the ability to see both near and distant objects. The cornea of a person with astigmatism is oval in shape and requires more optical correction. People with significant degrees of astigmatism are usually very satisfied with toric IOLs. Insurance does not cover this type of IOL. There are other alternatives to correcting astigmatism such as glasses or contact lenses after surgery that your OCB eye doctor can discuss this with you.

Accommodating and Multifocal Intraocular Lenses are appropriate for cataract surgery patients, who because of their lifestyle, job, or hobbies would like a more natural range of vision than that offered through a standard monofocal IOL. If you require treatment for cataracts, you and your doctor may want to discuss the risks and benefits of these lens options to see if they are right for you.